Saturday, 29 October 2011

The role of media in the development of regional tourism

According to Nielsen, (2001)media is society linking social fabric and the Carey, (2009); state that “ The medium is the message”. Media determine images sounds and it produces and disclose everyday life, political shapes, views and it helps to provide martial out of the people and identify the identities in positive or negative manner (Nielsen,  2001).In terms of tourism media help to promote the tourism, and sometimes it can result de-motivate  the tourism as well. And media products can be act as integral component that preserver or exaggerate any destinations tourism experience (Nielsen,  2001).

Moreover, when it comes to  tourism media products, work as wide range of segmentations, starting from different advertisement brochures, (Santos, 2006 ) destination led postcards  movies, TV programmes,  commercials ,Photographs ,Writings, websites ,News etc. (Huggan, 2001; Santos, 2006).

Much tourism related media studies are directly connected between destination marketing. In doing so, media can work as motivational factor or demotivational factor via destination awareness media representations. (Santos, 2006 ).

Another approach of media in destination branding is tourism media products. Tourism media products can be structured in the broad social sphere and cultural norms. Tourism media representation is vital in understanding how it effect to the power and ideologies (Fenton, 2007).

According to Francesco Frangialli the former United Nations World Trade Organization Secretary-General, once expressed his idea that affects of media reporting is very important for modern day tourism. In today sophisticated world many of the travel decisions are made by the tourists even without seen the desired destination by themselves (World Tourism Organization,2007). Many travellers will not take any help or take very smaller amount of help form travel planners for make their travel decisions. With the development of IT and the media industry, they use information sources as television, radio, newspapers, books, magazines, movies, and Internet ( Urry ,1990).

Nowadays tourists firstly tend to decide the destination and this decisions can be purely made of what they have listened or seen form the media and the information that they have received from the media. According to the destination they can seek assistance from the specialists on accommodations, tour arrangements and guidance and support etc. ( Urry ,1990).

When the destinations has a very strong positioning strategy and the brand placement strategy it’s very easy to recall that destination and it also increase the chances of new tourist attraction rates. Therefore, branding and positioning the destination is a very important aspect for all emerging tourism markets. Media contributes immensely towards achieving these objectives (Urry ,1990).

It very vital and essential that governments of post conflicted nations and tourism development bodies have to work very closely with the media and promote tourism in a manner that the government and national objectives regaining  state tourism will not conflicting with the objectives of the media. Much effort needs to build this trust between the government and the relevant authorities and the media sector to generate the maximum support from the media. When the media support is given and backed up with the government effort it will create a synergistic effect with the positioning and promotional efforts of the state tourism sector. For example, when Singapore ended its decade long ban on gambling and introduced two casino licenses they were extremely careful how the media was handled so that any negative sentiments were kept under control (Lee,2003). 

However when it comes to the social media networks it’s pretty hard to get control and they have very huge influence over the state tourism as they carry much bigger population even larger than world’s largest countries. And the information could be shared via social media networks within matter of seconds. With all these development of information sector and media channels such as social media networks, no country can hide the facts and their true figures from the customers, if they don’t meet the consumer expectations. Hence rebuilding states form the post war era counties like Sri Lanka have very huge impact on media and they should heavily focus on the product import and delivery of their service. Social media will automatically do the rest of the work and promote the destination itself, if all other ingredients to the promotions are been done by the relevant destination itself (Kim and Jamal, 2007)

Even latest technology and media channels exist in the world, according  to Petty  et al’s (1983) likelihood model and in associated with the holistic approach majority of the tourists still might not directly attend to content of messages or direct media reports, which can be result in strong attitudes or which can leads to behaviours. They may not necessarily go though the central route of persuasion, instead of that most of the tourist may tend to use peripheral route when they tend to make a decision over visiting of a destination, and very few tourist may actively engage with the individual destination selection process. Many decisions may not act as rational when it comes to information gathering and processing of that information (Petty,1983).

Development of tourism is not limited to increasing the number of hotels, restaurants, and other such facilities. Countries such as Sir Lanka have more to do with the cultural tourism which has perceived by its own people. Local media and the governments as well as all the tourism development and promotional institutes has the set their objectives as common and  has to work hand in hand to archive those common goals(Jansen-Verbeke  1995).  In Vietnam in 2006 all the state newspapers carried positive news articles about states private sector development. At some stages of development procedure and the results appeared in flowing within the couple of years, with the increase of many foreign investments. Many countries require this kind of media alignments and collaboration. Post conflicted state tourism development also has no different than this. Tourism today has grown into a responsible global industry (Jansen-Verbeke  1995).  . We all know that media has immensely contributed towards this development. Over the years media has contributed towards shaping tourism into a responsible industry by promoting the following good practices (Chattopadhyay et al,2001).

Creating positive impact to the management of natural and cultural heritage sites and promotes more enjoyable experiences for the international and local tourists which have major influences. The media reports and media can contribute positively to the development of global tourism industry (Hier and Greenberg,2002). However there are some occasions where media publicity and media reports have negatively affected for the tourism in several countries. Media, when not handled well, can have very adverse effects on tourism. For examples when there are bad news or when a crisis situation happen the way media reporting the situation can be very influential to the whole tourism sector in a country.

According to  former secretary general of UNWTO Mr. Francesco Frangialli  stated,  “Tourists are scared away from destinations caught in round-the-clock disaster coverage, causing communities dependent on tourism to lose their source of livelihood’’.  He believes it is because of this reason that United Nations World Trade Organization also has continuously called on the media to avoid over exaggerating or make sure the reports are inclusion of exaggerated or lurid details when reporting effects of disasters.  As they can draw attention of tourists to a number of events which got widespread negative publicity directly affecting the tourism industries of respective countries (UNWTO,2007) .

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